Data Cannot Pasted

How to Fix “Your Organization’s Data Cannot be Pasted Here” Error?

How to Fix Your Organizations Data Cannot be Pasted Here Error

Copy and pasting have become a crucial part of our day-to-day lives, as it helps streamline your workflow. But this gets pretty annoying when you see an error message of “your organization’s data cannot be pasted here.” If you also run into any DNS server not responding issues while transferring data, it might compound the frustration further.

This message usually appears when you try to copy and paste the corporate content from Outlook onto some other application on your phone 

So, in this article, I will help you explain what this error message is all about and how you can fix this problem so easily. 

Let’s start! 

What Does Your Organization’s Data Cannot be Pasted Here Mean?

What Does Your Organizations Data Cannot be Pasted Here Mean

If you ever see an error message of “your organization’s data cannot be pasted here”  this simply means that you’re trying to copy the data from an application that your company often uses. This can include anything from Microsoft Outlook, Excel, or Sharepoint to further paste it to other applications that are restricted by your company such as your personal application or a website. 

This is an enhanced security feature offered by Microsoft Intune Policy Management (MIPM) that restricts you from transferring the crucial company’s data into some unknown software. Occasionally, a 503 error on your device can also interfere with these data transfer policies.

Why Even Your Organization’s Data Cannot be Pasted Here Message Appears?

Your Organizations Data Cannot be Pasted Here Mean

So, now that you have a little understanding of what “Your Organizations Data Cannot be Pasted Here” is all about. Here are all the main reasons why this message can appear: 

Data Protection Policies

When it comes to data protection, companies usually set up some policies to limit the overall frequency of data exchange. So, if the software you’re transferring the data from violets any of these policies, this message will appear. 

Outdated Software

If the application that you want to paste this data on gets outdated somehow and does not comply with the company’s current security policy, then there are also chances that this message can occur. And, this is why it is often suggested to update the software, as it is more likely to fix this problem. 

Microsoft Intune Policy

As I mentioned earlier, there are many organizations that are currently using the tools like Microsoft Intune. It helps them protect their sensitive organizational data from being pasted to an unauthorized application. For instance, if you’re looking to copy and paste your company’s data to an application that is not so secure, these policies will restrict you from doing so. 

File Corruption

If the files that you’re trying to upload do not properly comply with the security settings of the system then also this error message can occur. This is why you must always make sure that the file is fully repaired and restored. 

Character Limit

Another main reason why this error message can occur is due to the character limitation in which, software usually limits the maximum number you can paste in their system. It is a great way to ensure the safety of the sensitive data. 

Technical Issue

Some technical issues such as network conflicts or connectivity disruptions can cause this message to appear. In certain cases, checking chrome net internals dns or verifying system settings might help resolve unexpected blocks on data transfer.

How to Fix Your Organization Data Cannot be Pasted Here Error? 

Here are some quick troubleshooting methods that will help you resolve easily resolve this error message: 

Change The Protection Policy of the Microsoft Intune App: 

The first thing I would suggest you do is modify the protection policy of the Intune app. And, here’s how you can do that: 

  • Log into the Microsoft Intune admin center by entering the admin details. 
  • Now navigate to App and Select the App protection policies 
    Modify the Microsoft Intune App protection policy
  • In the new interface, click on the Create Policy button and provide all the necessary information required. 
    Modify the Microsoft Intune Apps protection policy
  • After the policy update, click on the Data Transfer and change the “Restrict cut, copy, and paste between other apps.” from blocked to any app. 
    Modify the Microsoft Intune App protection policy c
  • Now, you can save this new policy and restart your system to make sure that it is implemented properly. If you have a wifi network not showing up issue, resolve it first so you can properly apply and test the new policy.

Update Microsoft Office

As I mentioned in the reasons sections on why this message may occur that it can be due to the outdated Microsoft application. This is why you must update the Microsoft applications manually to their latest version, and here’s how you can do that: 

  • Start by opening any Office application. It can be anything that is not up to date such as Word or Excel. 
  • Now click on the File button and navigate to the Account section.
    Update Microsoft Offices
  • Click on the Update Now option from the new interface. 
    Update Microsoft Office c
  • And, after the upgrade is done, you can now restart the Office application to see if it fixes the error. 

Create a New Excel File

Another great way to fix this, your organizations data cannot be pasted here is by recreating the Excel file, as this trick only works with Excel. So, here’s how can create a new Excel file for this: 

  • Open the Excel application and click on make a new file option. 
  • Now pick any of the cells and make some minor adjustments, such as changing color or changing the font or text size. 
    Create a New Excel File
  • Save this new file to OneDrive for Business Folder. 
  • After the file is saved, try again to copy and paste the company’s data to see if it works. 

Additional Methods

If all the above-mentioned steps are not resolving this issue, there are also some other ways that can help you fix it. Here take a look at some of them: 

  • Restart Your Computer: This is perhaps the most easiest way to fix this problem, as it can resolve the policy-related restrictions. 
  • Use Approved Apps: You can also try using only the approved applications from the policies to avoid this error message. 
  • Use A Different Browser: Sometimes, the web browser you’re using can also these kinds of errors. This is why I will recommend you to change your Browser once to see if the problem still persists. 
  • Try to Edit and Save The File: So to avoid this problem, you first need to make sure that this file is editable. Now you can make a few changes to the file, and it will also most likely resolve this issue.
  • Contact Your IT Administrator: I would also suggest you to contact your IT admin as they can better guide you with this matter. If the root cause involves other network blocks, you might want to see what does 502 bad gateway mean or other server-side issues before contacting support.


As we sum up, the error message of our organization data cannot be pasted here can be pretty annoying sometimes, especially when you’re doing some important work. However, as I mentioned in this read, there can be so many reasons why this problem may occur along with the proper methodology to fix them. So, by following these steps, you can fix this error on your device and focus on some other productive tasks.

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